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Our Permanent Collection of Art from our Exhibitors
Desert Blossom
Desert Blossom
Acrylic on Canvas by
Mac Dameron
Beautiful Heart
Beautiful Heart
Mixed Media by
Jill McCool
Do Unto Others
Do Unto Others
Mixed Media by
Patrick Mayton
Montana Mist
Montana Mist
Oil on Board by
William Harrison
Cathedral Church of the Advent
Cathedral Church of the Advent
Oil on Canvas by
Cathy Phares
Out of the Depths
Out of the Depths
Acrylic on Board by
Wendy Allison
The Church
The Church
Acrylic by
Emma Noble
Watermelon Whorl
Watermelon Whorl
Watercolor by
Mary Vines
St. Dolores
St. Dolores
Mixed Media by
Joseph Wheeler
Acrylic by
Cary Lott
Acrylic on Canvas by
Ragan Eaves
Praying Angel
Praying Angel
Acrylic by
Genie Deason
My Mother's Stamp Collection
My Mother's Stamp Collection
Paper by
Maria Kalaff
The Little Boy
The Little Boy
Oil on Canvas by
Steven Finley
Cyclamen & Fruit
Still Life with Cyclamen on White
Watercolor by
Marleen Klip Bodden
Angel In The Garden
Angel In The Garden
Photography by
Suzanne Hoye
Luna Memoriam II
Luna Memoriam II
Oil on Canvas by
Andy Jordan
Sunflower in Blue Vase
Sunflower in Blue Vase
Oil by
Becky Laurent
Moody Dugout
Moody Dugout
Chalk Pastel by
Garry Burttram
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Breakfast
Acrylic by
Merle Dollar
Untitled 1
Pastel by
Catherine Dellinger
Untitled 2
Pastel by
Catherine Dellinger
Now and Always
Now and Always
Mixed Media by
Catherine Partain
Mixed Media by
Portia Williams
Oil by
Frank Saunders
Green Machine
Green Machine
Oil by
Frank Saunders
Oil by
Rubye Bearden
Light To My Path
Light To My Path
Oil by
Cecily Chaney
Sail Away
Sail Away
Watercolor by
Lester E. Potts, Jr.
Lester Potts Plaque
Blue Girl
Blue Girl
Watercolor by
Troy Crisswell
Lily Bloom IV
Lily Bloom IV
Ink and Color Pencil on Paper by
Robert Hendrickson
Deep Water Horizon
Deep Water Horizon
Mixed Media by
Sally Threlkeld

God is everywhere! God in our travels!
Acrylic on Canvas
Anne Baguley

Poppy Face
Poppy Face
Photography by
Laura Vines
Sea Foam
Sea Foam
Acrylic On Canvas by
Sonia Summers

Light Up The Night
Light Up The Night
Oil On Canvas by
Barbara Morgan

Moon Over Worship
Moon Over Worship
Mixed Media by
Anna Kendrick Lowery
Birmingham Southside UAB
Birmingham Southside UAB
Signed Print by
Freddy Sanchez
Never Broken
Never Broken
Mixed Media by
Pam Truitt
Church with Red Sky
Church with Red Sky
Acrylic on Canvas by
Ira Walker
The Exceptional Foundation
Photography by
Carey Brown
Spring Pastel
Spring Pastel
Cynthia Cox
Letting You Go
Letting You Go
Digital Collage by
Beth Conklin
The Kiss at Gethsemane
The Kiss at Gethsemane
Ink  On Paper by
Miriam McClung
Acrylic on Paper on Wood Panel by
Sarah Mathews
Red Circles
Red Circles
Mixed Media by
Joe McCreary
The Healer
The Healer
Watercolor  On Paper by
Nancy Christie
Tomorrow We'll Be Wilted
Tomorrow We'll Be Wilted
Oil On Panel by
Beth Rhodes
End Of Day
End Of Day
Mixed Media  by
Diane Hathcock
Oil  On Panel by
Jamison Harper
Soft and Sweet
Soft and Sweet
Oil  On Canvas by
Sandy Tilt
Expectant Mother Awaits Her Miracle
Expectant Mother Awaits Her Miracle
Mixed Media by
Travis Craig
Isaiah 11:6
Isaiah 11:6
Pencil by
Norma Vines
Glass Mosaic by
Gerda Carmichael
In The Beginning
In The Beginning
Mixed Media by
Kay Vinson
Oil on Canvas by
Sue Ellen Brown

Hand Tinted Print by
Don Stewart

Soul Blossoming
Soul Blossoming
Watercolor  On Paper by
Gail Thrasher Cosby
Abstract with Wire 1
Abstract with Wire 1
Mixed Media by
Carey Williams
As The Deer Pants
As The Deer Pants
Watercolor by
Anne P. Baguley
Oil by
Ricia Neura

Angels Watch
Angels Watch
Oil by
Judy Kirk
Oil by
Amy Collins

The Way Of The Cross
The Way Of The Cross
Acrylic by
Maud Coirier-Belser
Homewood CP Church
Homewood CP Church
Oil by
Dee Falls
Mixed Media Cross 1
Mixed Media Cross
Darrell Ezekiel
Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Oil by
Mara Jambor
Church Ladies
Church Ladies
Acrylic on Board by
Tom Dameron
Mixed Media by
Mary Margaret Binkley

Tree of Life
Tree of Life Genesis 2:9
Mixed Media by
Billie Dupree
The Dove
The Dove
Mixed Media on Wood by
Maud Coirier-Belser

Isaiah 12:2
Isaiah 12:2
Mix Media by
Kay Taylor Williams
Make me Happy
Make Me Happy
Acrylic on Canvas by
Elizabeth Hubbard
Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning
Acrylic on Canvas by
Robin Nance Metz
Leaves Adrift
Leaves Adrift
Mixed Media by
Judy Bobula
Mixed Media Cross
Mixed Media Cross
Gayle Thomas
Copyright 2013 The Joy Gallery at Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Church all rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,, photocopy or otherwise) without the expressed permission of The Homewood Cumberland Presbyterian Church.